June 1, 2020
The Mayborn Museum accomplished a great deal in recent years. Guided by its 2020 Vision Strategic Plan, the museum:
- achieved Accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums,
- hosted its first blockbuster exhibition (Titanic),
- created five new exhibitions: (Backyard Ecology, Founding to Future, SpaceX, Back to the Jurassic, and Design Den),
- Completed an Exhibition Master Plan for the Natural and Cultural History wing of the museum,
- increased volunteerism,
- created the Bryce Brown Research Fellowship program,
- achieved major progress related to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act,
- continued an active partnership with Waco Mammoth National Monument,
- highlighted Baylor research to the community through the Portal to the Public program,
- increased programs including Christmas Lights in the Village, Adult Programs, Teen Science Café,
- partnered with Common Grounds to open a new coffee shop,
- supported 110 area school districts through class field experiences, the Math for Early Learner Academy, and ProsperWaco Family Science Nights,
- started a new Museum Reach Out Program which provides multiple ways to access the museum by lowering the price barrier of entry,
- and increased earned and donated revenues to fuel this growth.
And then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. As of this writing, the museum’s doors have been shut for two and a half months. It’s hard to make concrete plans not knowing how the world will change post-COVID-19. But the museum’s desired impacts through this plan are still important and relevant.
This plan outlines five areas of focus which include:
- Supporting Baylor’s goal of becoming a top research university,
- Continually evolving and improving our audience experience,
- Increasing accessibility and relevance in the community,
- Strengthening our corporate culture and operations,
- Increasing operating revenues to support continuous improvement in programs and services.
If anything the pandemic has increased the urgency with which the museum adopts this strategic plan. With a CLEAR sense of mission, vision, and core values, the museum will step into the post-COVID-19 world ready to adapt as needed.
Charlie Walter